2021年1月21日 星期四


 不是民意主流8000萬票?怎麽每次直播人都這麼少? https://www.facebook.com/218812861516992/posts/3874741925924049/

圖像裡可能有3 個人、顯示的文字是「 RIGHT SIDE 8:45AMST YouTube @RSBNETWORK Search YOU, WE WILL BE JUDGED, YOU AND HOW WE RESOLVE THESE U.S. elections LIVE: President Trump Speaks at Sendoff Ceremony at Joint Andrews/Arrival in FL 1/20/21 3,222,710 views The Electoral College has confirmed Biden president-elect. States results after ensurin Learn 140K SHOW ME 4.2K ballots are properly counted ÛGTSIDE SHARE Right Side Broadcasting Network 1.47M subscribers correcting irregularitiesand Inauguration 33,687 watching now the 46th President of the United States JOIN 2.3K 3.6K The White House suscbers SHARE = SAVE SUBSCRIBED 」
